Thursday, February 7, 2008

First-Trimester Thoughts

I'm in my first trimester still, so bear with me here. I've been reassured by mom's book and numerous websites that in exactly 17 days, 2 hours and 33 minutes, hormones will drop, appetite will increase and nausea will say its goodbye; and subsequently, I should begin recording warm fuzzy pregnancy experiences.

For now though, asking Juan for a bite of his ravioli, and then pushing it away as soon as it was an inch from my mouth, watching him eat, hungry, thinking it looked good, asking again for a bite, and then making a run for the bathroom as soon as it was within an inch of my nose, something horrific occurred to me: The frequency with which women ALLOW themselves to get pregnant with another child. As in AGAIN. As in--experiencing these things while taking care of another child. Wow. Does God slip something in your drink after you deliver that makes you forget? Other moms I talked to recently, with infants and toddlers in tow, excited for my news, all commented that WOW! They didn't remember what it was like to be pregnant. Even just weeks later. After I deliver, just so you know, I am going to record my experiences on my forehead everyday so that I remember. hahaha. And I don't even have it that bad. How do women do it? Mom, WHY?

I only share the dark side with the outlook of the dawn to come.


Meg and P.I.T.B Parra.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the irony of this post. LOVE IT