Sunday, March 4, 2012

Paci Sell-Out

I had a talk with Cata a few nights ago and let her know that soon we had to start throwing away her chupos, one by one, since they are bad for big girl teeth.  I told her each night she throws one away (of the surviving 5) that she may have a cookie, and that on the day of the last one, we will have a party. I expected tears--at the very least resistance. I definitely thought this would be something we would do slowly (maybe 1 per week/ month) to soften the blow.  Bear in mind that she has been sleeping with all 5 pacifiers for months now. And that she could walk up to her crib and practically smell which color is missing.  "Mom, where's my orange paci? I need it!!!!!" Then she lines them all up on her pillow--except for the lucky one to go in her mouth.

After this talk though, Cata has met me the last three evenings with an enthusiastic, "Mom, can I throw away another paci and have a cookie?" Woah-- the swift detachment in favor of a sweet nearly makes me feel sorry for her oldest and dearest plastic friends. Even Juan (Mr. Anti sleep crutch) is concerned:  "Cata, maybe we should slow down with this." At which she melts onto the floor in a fit crying, "but I want to throw away another chupo!!!". Ok, I guess she's ready.  Best response we could hope for at a terrifying juncture.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear what happens when she has thrown away all her chupos

Christina said...

Maybe this is hysterical b/c she is my niece, but I have been dying laughing watching this video. "Adios Chupoooooo" I want a cookie :)" Love that sweet girl :)